Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fiction or Non?

Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction?  Why?  What appeals to you about the genre?  Do you like the fantastical, mystical, other-worldliness of a well-crafted fantasy or sci-fi novel?  Are you an historical fiction buff who likes to travel in your mind back to the times and places of a day gone by?  Do you love a good mystery? Romance?  Or do you simply enjoy reading stories which are the product of the author's imagination?  Do you like the journalistic, informative style of non-fiction writing?  What's your preference? Remember to respond to at least one of your peers' responses as well.


  1. Being a female of the human race, I absolutely love fantasy, adventure and action novels. The reason they spark my interest so much is because the main events aren't real but people wish life was that way. That's why I read to escape reality. For example: When a main character has a perfect life ( we all know that is not possible to obtain but we try so hard to achieve it) that ps why I enjoy those kind of books because you can escape the "real" world. Just like when you sleep and have a really good dream. I also really enjoy reading mysteries like CSI books because you can guess who did what and sometimes the book is so good that your way off.

    1. I agree with Nicole that fiction is more interesting and exciting than nonfiction.

    2. I totally agree with you! I think the reason people like fiction books so much is because they are like dreams you can have while you're awake

    3. I really really liked how you started this post, it made me smile. I also 100% agree with "reading to escape reality."

  2. I would prefer to read fiction instead of nonfiction because the possibilities of fiction are endless whereas non-fiction has already happened. I don't really read books that often outside of school but the ones in school that I enjoy the most are the ones where there is mystery. Books that make the reader guess whats going to happen next are my favorites. Like Harry Potter for instance. Arguably the greatest series ever written always had the reader on the edge of their seat. That's why I tend to lean towards fiction rather than non fiction.

    1. The possibilities of a fictional book are endless, you are right! I agree that when there is a mystery involved, everyone is on the edge of their seats and no one knows what is going to happen next. Those kinds of books are fun books to read too!

    2. That is so true! Imagination can bring absolutely anything to life. I love the boundless possibility that it possesses. Far more than we will ever be able to accomplish except on paper.

    3. Definitely agree with your opinion on the mystery books. Not being much of a fiction reader, I somehow find myself being able to tolerate the mystery fiction stories better than any other kind

  3. There are so many different writing style types that it is hard to choose a preferable one. I would say I enjoy fiction over non-fiction because anything can happen in fiction books. The possibilities are endless, there can be dragons and unicorns and flying people. I also love romance novels. They excite me because when there is love involved, lots of things can happen. Things like happiness and enjoyment all the way to depression and heartbroken can occur in romance novels. I can never seem to put down the book when it’s dealing with emotions and feeling. I’m not much of a reader, but when it comes down to me picking out a book, I always go for the romantic ones. Another genre that appeals to me is adventure. I get so excited when characters in the book I’m reading go to extraordinary places. I can never seem to put the book down when the characters are on an exciting journey. One book that does a great job of making me excited to read is “The Journey to the Center of the Earth”. Just the title alone makes me want to read the book!

    1. That's a very good book. And yet again when we let Hollywood try to make money they get it wrong. The movie only had a few details of what the book said. It definitely was not how I pictured it.

    2. Definitely true on the endless possibilities. I liked what you said about romance novels.

    3. I live for the cheesy moments like when the protagonist sweeps up the maiden in distress (or not) and they live happily ever after. Call me old fashioned, but I can't stand sad endings, and even worse -and on the romance note- when the love interest withers or one of the two in love die. Worst ending ever though, 1984. I can't imagine being Winston and having every part of my mind and spirit broken to the point I have no sense of self. Personally, I would have ran into a wall with my head as soon as I learned Obrien was a member of the thought police.

  4. Fiction all the way. When I start to read non-fiction the dates just bore me to sleep. Some non-fiction is alright as long as it's exciting or pertains to one of my interests. Like if it's a book about basketball, I'm more then happy to sit down and start reading away. But if it's about some guy that settle in America during the colonization time, I'll be dropping that book right off. Fiction just allows your mind to make up anything and its okay. When you see the movie though it's always like that's not how I pictured it. I generally read adventure-action books. Usually I think one things going to happen and suddenly a curveball is thrown. It just keeps me reading for hours.

    1. Interesting books are always a lot easier to read!!

    2. I agree. Usually the non fiction books I read on my own have some sort of adventure or challenge that the author went through.

    3. I agree, it's nice to escape from reality.

    4. It definitely depends on the readers interests, what some may find to be a really good book, others may absolutely hate it.

    5. I agree with that, if the book lets you be free to come up with your own ideas and what something looks like, then that's something that keeps me reading.

  5. I completely agree that when it comes to fiction, books seem to be more interesting. When it comes to real life situations about history and dates, I would rather not even bother to open the book.

  6. I like to read all different types of books. Lately I have been reading historical conspiracy books. I have found them to be very interesting. Books written during research are also really great. I have been reading The Alien Agenda by Jim Marrs and it is really a quality read. Some of my favorite books were written in a style that incorporates both fictional and non-fiction writing styles. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea has both elements and in my opinion is one of the best books ever written.

    1. I like how you said you like to read all types of books. It's hard to just pick one genre to call your favorite.

    2. I completely agree Chris! 20,000 leagues under the sea is a brilliant book. Your assessment to this question was well put.

    3. I love historical conspiracy. I find it extremely interesting and really easy to read.

  7. Usually I prefer fiction. But, there are times when a person's story makes me want to sit down and hear the rest. I'm actually excited to read Into Thin Air, because it seems interesting to me. Sometimes there is such a thing as too much fiction. Personally, I need a little bit of balance. I recently read a book this summer about an F-16 fighter pilot and his battles in Iraq. It gave me even more appreciation of what fighter pilots do, and the bravery that comes with it. I learned quite a few things, also. Last spring, I read 50/50, which was written by a man that ran 50 marathons in 50 days. It was astounding. I hadn't even thought that this was possible before reading it. One thing a non-fiction book can do that a fiction book can't is help you learn things. Not just about people, but things like healthy foods to eat before a run, or to improve running form so your joints aren't so bad anymore.

    1. Those sound like a bunch of really good books to read. I would be interested in the fighter pilot one.

  8. My favorite type of books to read are fiction. I'll read anything fiction, except books with castles and dragons. Those don't exactly hold my interest. But I love sci fi and dystopian books and other things like that. And yes, I admit it, I do like to read the fiction romance stuff, like the stuff in the Hunger Games. But I'm a girl, so that levels it out. I think one of the main reasons I and many others love reading fiction is because we can escape from reality and enter a new world, somewhere different from the norm, where mythical creatures and magic can exist. Who wouldn't want to live in a world like that? To me, fiction books are like dreams we have when we are awake, which is nice because then we can always remember them.

    1. Agree with the books about castles and dragons. Not necessarily my thing. I also agree with reading becoming an escape from reality! It puts us in a new world where we may rather be.

    2. I also agree with you that the books are like dreams. They create another world for us to live. And I definitely agree with the dystopian books :).

    3. I agree. Reading is a good way to escape reality, but watching the movie is even better!!

    4. I agree when you said we can escape from reality. Reading is a great way to get a break from real life.

  9. I prefer both nonfiction and fiction books. I like nonfiction books like autobiographies because they are real, and you can learn a lot about the person. They are always very interesting to me. I like fiction because it’s not real and the author sometimes wants you to believe that life is like a fairytale when it’s really not. The books I enjoy to read are mainly romance, but usually have a faith based background in them. I don’t care for books with mythotical creatures and things that could never be true.

    1. I agree with you on both books having distinct qualities. I also agree with not particularly caring for books with mythological creatures, although I haven't read enough to have a valid voice.

    2. I agree with you, Allison. I think that both have something interesting to offer, and nonfiction can teach you a lot about a person or an idea. I think that sometimes, fiction is nice because of that fairy tale aspect too.

  10. I prefer to read fiction novels. In my opinion, there is so much more creativity and possible outcomes in stories that aren't true. The endings of the novels are usually less predictable and leave you struggling to put the book down. I hate history. I'm not saying I hate nonfiction. There are definitley great nonfiction books! I personally would never read a historical book by choice. I find them extremely boring. As a kid mystery books were my favorite. Nancy Drew was my home girl! Now, of course I love a good romance book. They always seem to tug on my heart strings and keep me wanting more. Typical (I know), but true. In the grand sceme of things, I love pretty much all types of writing. Gripping stories are the best, no matter what the genre. If I can't put the book down, then I would considere it a success.

    1. Completely agree that the gripping stories are the best and that, can't put the book down. I have had books that I couldn't even put down. There are many books out there like that.

    2. If you haven't found a historical book that's held your interest, you haven't looked hard enough. History is a wonderful and extremely important thing to study about, and not to mention incredibly interesting. Some of the things that have actually happened in this world simply couldn't be imagined, which is what makes it all the more beautiful.

  11. I can't say I pick up more fiction books than non-fiction or vice versa. I could say I go in certain periods where I will read a really strong non-fiction book and follow it up with similar stories. I do particularly enjoy documentaries, so that could definitely have a strong impact on my current book choice. I have read some very strong fiction novels that have stayed with me for a while. And I just don't want them to end! Being able to have a love for all types of books makes you all that better of a reader and thinker. Being exposed to a single genre doesn't exposed to you all that literature has to offer! It is nice to mix it up between both, its kind of like music, I can't always listen to the same genre, it depends on my mood. Most times, I am reading more than one book at once for this same reason.

    1. Totally agree with that...I like to read a strong book and then I get stuck in that type of book. I wouldn't say I choose fiction or non-fiction over one another either

    2. This is the perfect example of how reading should be. You can't just like one genre. You have to fit the mood. Like if I just went through a really bad break up I wouldn't want to pick up a Nicholas Sparks book.

  12. Personally, I can't say I enjoy fiction or non-fiction more. There are amazing books that I have read that were both. I have read a few fiction book that are personally my favorite books I have read yet. On the other hand I have the same amount of books that are favorites that are non fiction. Some of my favorite fiction books include all of the harry potter books and the hunger games series. All of my favorite non fiction books are autobiographies. They are mostly about people that have had a really rough life and had the courage to write about it. But all in all, I find it very difficult to choose between either fiction or non fiction books. If someone held me at gun point and told me to choose which I would choose, I would choose non fiction but besides that crazy point I enjoy reading both.

  13. While I don't hold anything against the genre of non-fiction, and indeed have found more than a few intriguing topics on history, I prefer fantasy infinitely more. This penchant to pick fiction over fact started in elementary school. Inside of the novels with the impossible creatures and wild adventures I found my escape from the simple mundane existence of reality. The sheer imagination pressed between the covers of a fantasy book both astounds and thrills me. I absolutely adore the whirlwind of action, of fantastic landscapes, people, and opportunities that are far too unbelievable to have a prayer of /possibility/ in our bleak world. I yearn for those fantastic quests still in the piece of me that remembers being a child. There is no shortcoming of raw emotional moments in these make-believe realms terrifying bouts of fear, pain, sorrow and betrayal, I do not deny that, yet it has a sort of glamour to it anyhow with the safe barrier of a cover between you and that reality. I read fiction for the character growth, the fantasy, the journey, the plot, the hardships, the romance, the battles, the death, and finally for the ability most characters seem to have of coming home at the end of the book, matured with little emotional scarring. That just isn't possible in this world.

    1. i could not agree more with you about how fiction books almost create an escape from reality into their fantasy world.

  14. I prefer to read fiction novels. There is something about reading about a fantasy world or monsters that really gets me intrigued in the book. The writing has more creativity in it and i can imagine myself there, in the book, following the main character, or better yet being the main character. The ideas that the authors thought up in order to write this book also catch my attention and i find myself wondering what life would be like if these fantasy/ sci-fi books were real. Most the time i find fiction books hard to put down because the ending is not easy to put together and page by page you are left with little details here and there as you scramble to gain the knowledge you seek. Nonfiction is not my most preferred read but i must admit there are a few books that i have enjoyed. In all honesty i think i could find at least one book from every genre that i would end up liking, but mainly, if you were to see me in Barnes and Nobles i would be sitting down with some hot chocolate and a fiction book.

    1. I also prefer to read fiction because fantasy really intrigues me

    2. I completely agree with Allie! It's always nice to sit down and read a book that takes you away from reality and puts you into a whole new world.

  15. Fiction is my favorite hands down. I love reading about books where the world is completely different from mine, like the Hunger Games or Harry Potter. A good fiction series can hook me into reading for a few weeks, regardless that I'm not a huge fan of reading. Though many non-fiction books have great stories, I feel an author of a fiction novel can put everything and anything they want into the writing. Limitless, the array of choices is wide open. You have less to worry about. And, though it may be fiction, it can still be heavily relatable and understanding. The reader can almost relate to a fictional character more than a non-fiction one.

    1. I totally agree! A fiction author has the power to take you away from here and give you a new place to be in. Non-fiction just gives facts that you may already know and are hard to imagine yourself there.

  16. I would prefer to read fiction books. I don't really mind any genres, except for historical slow books. I enjoy books that go quick and to the point. Even though mystery books are slow, I enjoy those but not anything else that is slow. I don't enjoy the weird vampire, hunger games, or anything not real, if it is too hard to believe then i won't be able to get into the book and understand it because I try to image what I read to the real world. I am definitely not a historical buff, because I don't enjoy learning the past. I like reading, but if it's hard for me to get into an actual good/great book. I am one of those people who have to read a couple of pages and if the beginning is great then I will keep on reading otherwise its going back on the bookshelf.

    1. Do you like to read books that you can relate too? I completely understand what you mean when you say you don't like slow books but, sometimes the best books build that way and I love it. I agree with you when you said that if the first couple of pages don't catch your eye then it's back on the shelf - I am the same way.

  17. Fiction is really the way to go. I just like to let my mind escape from reality. Although non fiction pieces of literature can also be important. I just believe that as teenagers, we should let our minds wander while we can. Also, I do enjoy a good romance- like a typical teenage girl should. I just want to be wrapped up in the book I am reading. The worst book I ever read was probably Cold Mountain because I physically couldn't get myself to read it. I had only gotten to chapter 3 when I told my teacher I simply couldn't do it anymore. When I have a good book, all I want to do is read. That's usually when it is fiction and I can't wait to find out what'll happen next.

    1. I definitely agree with you. I love being able to use my imagination to my fullest ability! :)

  18. Fiction is unlimited, fictional stories include whatever the mind can think of and for that reason when great minds write it makes for an amazing story. For example, we read 1984, and Catcher in the Rye both great fictional books with such a real story, but made up into a fantasy type world just for the reader. Generally I prefer fiction book because typically they are not very dry, meaning they always have something going on and they are not limited to a real story, they make up stuff to keep it always interesting. However, I also do like some non-fiction. Into Thin Air is a very good book and all these events actually happened. I feel that leaves a bigger impact on a reader because those events really did occur. I can come to the conclusion that nonfiction book are more informative, you get more out of them than if you read fiction, but you may be more entertained.

  19. I like different types of both. I like realistic non-fiction because it is usually realistic stories that I can relate to somehow. I also like non-fiction because you read it and you are just shocked most of the time that the story is an actual past event. I also like that in non-fiction you get so many details because that person (in some cases) was the person that the plot of the book happened too so you have so much more detail then someone who would have made it up. In fiction you can create super descriptive details but sometimes it is just not the same as if it actually happened and your true emotions created the reaction not your mind. I don't like non-fiction sometimes though in the cases where the book is just pretty much learning and facts. Like textbooks for a good example are boring to read because it doesn't have a plot or anything to draw you in. It is just a ton of events, ideas or facts.

    1. I never thought about how you have more detail in nonfiction books. Good point. I also like nonfiction books because I can relate to them.

    2. Yaaaay another non-fiction person! I also love them. I love the aspect of true emotion vs. creation.

  20. It's hard for me to say, but I'd have to go with fiction between the two. I mean, I've read some wonderful non-fiction books like Unbroken and Flags of Our Fathers (I tend to be drawn to the war books) that are a blast to read and wonderful for learning facts. That being said, there's a considerable difference between making a story and just telling one. Non-fiction obviously doesn't allow as much freedom as does fiction, and that freedom is definitely the key that has made countless stories great. Now, while fictional books aren't necessarily factual on certain levels, there's no denying that most are still markedly historically relevant. Nearly all of the books I've read own my own in the past year or two (most of which were written by 19th century authors) involve historical settings and events. Even if they don't, the stories and writing styles usually reflect what was going on at the time of their writing. I still love non-fictional writing, but I suppose fiction just gets me.

    1. I totally agree with you... it is nice to read a book that keeps you drawn and at the same time you're learning something.

    2. Hey Amanda. How are you?

  21. I prefer to read fiction books. I like stretching the imagination of peoples minds. I also love using expressive words with detailed imagery. I like hearing about peoples journeys or stories also. One of my favorite book is called Every Soul a Star. I do like some non-fiction books but not very many. They have to be extra good for me to like them. Non-fiction books has to have a story that is out of the ordinary. If I could be in any story out of the books I have read, I would love to be in the story of Letters to Juliet. The story is amazing. I always enjoy reading mysteries. When I read a mystery, I can't set the book down. I have to read the book whole or at least stop at an appropriate part. I also love reading romantic books too. I wish I could read a lot more than I usually do. I'm just super busy with many things. I used to read so much when I was younger. I would go through three books a day. Of course they were not very big novels, but they were big for a third grader. Overall, fiction would have to be my personal favorite because of the exaggeration of the story and you write anything you want also.

    1. The same is true for me, I love the freedom fiction offers to writers and readers alike. I find that reading nonfiction is hard unless the topic really interest me.

    2. I completely agree! Reading is suppose to free your mind from what is going on in the world so reading a fiction book is definitely the way to go!

  22. I am most certainly a dabbler who enjoys a huge range of things, and when it comes down to non-fiction versus fiction there is no exception. I have definitely read more fiction, as that is most of what's offered, and currently I have a strong taste for dark, acidic, humanistic books, from authors like Vonnegut, Murakami, and Danielewinski. Non-fiction is non fiction, but I still enjoy a humanistic approach to it. I love books about long gone cultures, historical figures, and especially, neurological diseases. What I love about reading in the end is gaining a new perspective on living, on being a person- empathizing and understanding more than what you have contact with.

    1. I definitely agree that there are more fiction books than nonfiction books. Finding a good nonfiction book can be hard since there aren't as many.

  23. I am mostly a fiction writer. I can read non fiction if it's a topic that interests me, or if it's set up in story form, but I really like to read a story rather a bunch of facts. I am not huge on fantasy, but I like sci-fi... I like for the books I read to be (in theory) plausible. I like a good wwii historical fiction book (or a memoir), and I like books about people living in times in history that we aren't taught about in school. I am not huge on reading romance novels, for me it's alright as a side plot but I don't want to read an entire book about why these two people wanted to be together but couldn't, or how only one liked the other, etc. I like Into Thin Air, because it's pretty straightforward and not overly detailed like 1984 was.

    1. I totally agree. It depends on the book and the story that lies hidden through the pages. I enjoy writing fictional stories, but when it comes to reading, it depends on what the story is focused on.

    2. We always seem to like the exact opposite kind of books, so it is interesting to see your perspective on this Amanda! Into Thin Air is definitely fun though.

    3. I agree with you. I cannot stand anything outside the realms of basic human psychology (at least, the realms I can understand), stupid inconsistencies and Mary-Sues. When I'm in the mood, a good romance is right for the soul

  24. I really just like a good story. It doesn't have to be a certain genera, it just has to be well written or appeal to me. Most of the time that ends up being some type of fiction. I love fantasy because anything can happen. It doesn't have to be real. The author can take you on a journey and for a short time you believe that the fate of the world is dependant on the decision of a few characters. I enjoy fiction because it is the expression of the mind and ones imagination. I still like science and realilistic thing but if I am going to read a book, I don't what to feel like I am studying a text book. I think fiction appeals to me because it doesn't have to make sense. I know there are things for stranger than fiction but sometimes the imaginary seems closer to me.

    1. I agree, all I want to read is a good story.

  25. I think fiction books (as opposed to non-fiction) are more enjoyable to read because readers are able to experience a world solely created by the author. The author has complete control over what the environment is, who the characters are, how society works, etc. In non-fiction books, the authors are forced to stay informative and don't have the freedom to change certain factors of the story. Non-fiction books sometimes can come across boring because they are discussing occurrences that the reader almost is expecting. Those who read fiction books truly have no idea what to expect. The freedom to influence what the book's outcome is is very powerful. I think reading fantasy or science fiction books allows you to really appreciate the author's creativity. I like reading books in which the author takes certain aspects of modern-day society and either exaggerates the ideas or adds to them with more whimsical details.

    1. The fact that the author has complete control is really what makes a story. I love the various plot twists involved with fictional stories and the suspense that goes along with it.

    2. Valid point, they give you a new experience and the author has total control over what happens. Yes, I do have to agree that non fiction books are a little more expected than fictional books.

    3. I agree that fiction books give the author the ability to control everything and this allows them the ability to surprise you. I don't like knowing what is about to happen.
      Meghan Leete

  26. I prefer both fiction and non-fiction books. Each offer completely different things, and for me, it really depends what I feel like reading. Non-fiction can actually be quite entertaining, especially if it is some sort of memoir. I also really like reading non-fiction books about psychology and the brain. I think it is fun to learn more about people and why they think like they do. As for fiction, I love a wide variety of genres. Historical fiction, realistic fiction, science fiction, fantasy -- I can't pick a favorite. Fiction tends to be more of an easy read, and I tend to read it quicker than non-fiction. I like how fiction provides a sort of escape; on a gloomy day, I can pick up one of my favorite books and I feel like I'm there. There is something magical about books -- fiction or nonfiction.

  27. I love fiction. The point of reading a book is partially being able to go to another land. The more exotic the world the more enticing. I especially like dystopian novels because they create a pushing force that adds suspense and are ideal for plot twists. Fiction books also don't have to be accurate. They can make something happen and explain it away in their own way. It allows for more creativity in the writing. They focus less on concrete facts and more on getting you to feel what the characters feel. Fiction, to me, has a stronger way of conveying the author's message than non-fiction.

  28. I enjoy reading fiction far more than non-fiction. Fiction allows you to go to so many places and it allows for so much imagination. I also like that there are so many different types, like mysteries and fantasy. As for non-fiction, I tend to struggle with getting through it. Non-fiction authors are writing their pieces to educate readers and give them facts, and I much prefer to read for the story. I don't really like analytical reading.

    1. I agree with reading for a story and not facts. I think it can get boring just hearing about factual information opposed to an authors imagination.

  29. Fiction is definitely the genre i would prefer of the two. There are some incredible stories about peoples' lives that are wonderful to read about and often land the bigger punch because the story actually happened. By that, i mean that Anne Frank's diary was an amazing and heartbreaking story because it was all true. If the story had been fabricated, it still would have been an amazing book, but it wouldn't have had the impact of the true story version and carried with it less emotion and genuine-ness,osity,ity (?) This being said, in fiction stories, the story itself is not limited to someone's memory of an event. In this way, the possibilities for a fiction story is only as limited as the writers imagination. That is why i prefer ficiton; The possiblities are virtually endless and can separate/teleport the reader away from his/her life.

  30. I much prefer fictional pieces. Anything can happen in a fictional story, and most of the non-fiction I've read turned out to be dry. I think that fantasy and action/adventure appeal to everyone's inner child, taking them to places they've only ever imagined. Unlike non- fiction, fiction is exciting. I've never heard of a real event that compares to those in the Harry Potter Series.

    1. I agree, it doesn't get much better than Harry Potter!

  31. As with music, I like a little bit of everything. I think every genre can be done well, and I can't choose a particular genre that I like over the others. Fiction is great because it puts you in a world of possibilities that don't exist in your own. Nonfiction is great too because it actually happened! How cool is that? I think human experiences and characteristics are absolutely the most interesting thing. While reading Into Thin Air, I'm so intrigued that it happened with actual people. I typically read whatever a teacher tells me to (yes, I'm one of those people), but in the rare chance I read a book out of self interest, it's usually fiction.

    1. I agree with you, when I have the time to pick out a book, It's usually fiction. Any genre can be done well as long as its written well.

  32. I do not like reading and due to lack of experience, I don't have enough information to make an accurate assessment. I like books from many different genres, but I feel that my preferences are more closely related to the author and individual story. I would say I like to take it a book at a time, but that only happens every couple of years. I am interested in history and other subjects, but when looking for a book, I don't seek anything out specifically.

    1. I agree with you Nick. Reading just isn't my thing, therefore I don't really care what genre it is.

  33. I enjoy reading nonfiction books. I like reading things that could actually happen in real life. I don't enjoy autobiographies or journal entry type writing. It doesn't catch my attention and it isn't interesting for me to read. There are some fiction books I have enjoyed though. I liked the Hunger Games books and I read this fiction book called Life as we knew it, and that was a good book as well. It doesn't matter to me too much what genre the book is as long as it's interesting and keeps me wanting to read more.

  34. If I have to pick a book to read, then I will most likely pick out a fiction book. I do not enjoy reading at all though. I find it very hard to find a book that I enjoy. I like to read stuff that is just totally made up like Hunger Games, The Among the Hidden series, and all the Nicholas Sparks books. It forces me to think differently and fantasize about what life would be like if society were really like that. What would like be like if we were only allowed to have a certain number of children, and we were forced to hide some of our children because of this rule? What would it be like if we were forced to go and kill random people from other parts of the world, just to give the government something to enjoy? Its weird to think about if this stuff was true. Society would be so different. Plus, I really enjoy experiencing other people's creativity, whether it be sculptures, art, music, interior designing, plays/ musicals, photography, or even occasionally books.

    1. Nicholas Sparks has written some of my favorite books too!

  35. I am much more intrigued by fictional writing. I think there is a lot more thought and imagination put into it. The facts tend to get lost in my mind and I forget the numbers and dates easily because it all isn't something I find exciting to read about. Fiction pieces have many different elements to them that can also let the reader picture what is going on whereas a nonfiction piece is very straight forward and has a set way of how it went. I guess because I've never really been a history lover that may be a part of my dislike for non fiction books.

  36. It depends on what the book I'm reading, but I enjoy reading fictional stories over non-fictional most of the time. Fictional stories, in my opinion, have a more diverse and creative approach to it. Sure, non-fictional books can be very enjoyable, but fiction seems to be the genre I always pick up at the book store. Books with a lot of action, adventure, and science fiction genres are my favorite and it's more popular to find these genres in the fictional category rather than non-fictional. Even though I enjoy reading fiction books, I have read many non-fiction books that I appreciate like The Blind Side, Never Cry Wolf, etc.

    1. I loved the Blind Side! But I definitely agree that fiction seems to be more of the tendency for me too. I think they're more creative and allow us to think beyond everyday occurrences.

  37. I enjoy reading but I don't really have the time. When I do, I like to read fiction because anything can happen. They stretch the imagination as well as entertain. I enjoy more of the adventurous books as well as a little romance. I like to read books with the dystopian angle because I like the survival aspect to it, that the characters have to become strong and prevail against all odds. I also enjoy reading some non-fiction books such as The Diary of Ann Frank, which is a heart breaking book. I like to read about other peoples lives and how they lived. When I read other genres of non-fiction, I tend to get easily bored with them and never remember what I read. Then I have to go back and re-read it because its usually for school. I find it harder to read when I am forced to read.

  38. I love to read! So, any book I can get my hands onto I will read it. I mostly read fiction. There are some genres that I can't read or have a hard time. My favorite genre is probably romance or mystery. There is one plot that I try to find every time I read. The plot is about a person with a rough life and their life is turned around but still has a hard time getting through. An example is "The Child called it". I have yet to read that book but I will soon. I also love series, series always want me to read more. My favorite series is "The Hunger Games" or "The Mortal Instruments".

  39. Don't get mad at me, but I really do not like fiction. It feels fake and impersonal to me. I'm not a huge reader, I just can't find the time or a good book that interests me. But, when I do read, I prefer non-fiction. My least favorite topic is fantasy or sci-fi. I can't get into things about fairies, elves, dragons, or especially vampires. I think the reason that I like "Into Thin Air" so much us because it's a real story. Real people were experiencing these stories, not made up people or make believe creatures. It makes the story way more enjoyable for me, and I get into the story more. In my opinion, knowing that real people went through these events gives the story much more suspense and excitement.

  40. I love reading. I love when people suggest a book for me to read because I most likely will read it. I prefer fiction mostly because I find it much more interesting than non1-fiction. John Green is one of my favorite authors because he makes you really connect with the characters and his books always have good meaning. Romance novels are probably my favorite. It's fun to read about love stories that never really happen in real and only occur in books and movies. Once I get hooked on a certain book, I wont be able to put it down until I am completely finished. Whenever I find a book I really like, I tend to put the book before my homework and more important things. If I could love my biology book as much as I love John Green's books, I would be golden. I am not the biggest fan of history books. I wish I could like fiction and non-fiction equally but I get easily bored of reading books about the war and what happened 100 years ago.

    1. When i find a good book I can't stop reading either!

  41. I really like to read, but with school forcing me to read these terrible books that take forever because I can't concentrate on them, I don't have time to actually read for fun. But when I used to read, I liked fantasy/fiction books. I liked "traveling to a fake world" because real life kinda sucks. My favorite books as a child were the Harry Potter series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Narnia. Yep that sounds pretty lame. I'm more of a movie person usually. My least favorite book ever was "Lord of the Flies". I also enjoy reading informative books about topics such as mythology and music theory/history. Last year I read a book called "Kissing Shakespeare" and I know it sounds really really lame but it was really good! I miss my junior year English class because we got to choose our own books so we were actually motivated and inspired to read. I do HATE science fiction books. They are super confusing and I usually never understand anything about it.

  42. I am not a big fan of reading, but when I do I like to read fiction. I just like to see the imagination of the author written out in their books. However, I do also like to read non fiction. As long as the book is interesting and isn't a boring autobiography. The thing with nonfiction is that they are generally more interesting. I like to read books either about the future or the present, but usually not the past. I do really love mysteries. As a kid the Nancy Drew books were my favorites. I liked trying to figure out who committed the crimes before the book told us. Now instead of read mystery books, I just watch mystery TV shows. When I was younger, my favorite book series was the Charlie Bone books. I also loved to read Harry Potter. Fantasy books are probably my favorite kind to read.

  43. I don't think I can choose between Fiction and Non-Fiction. To be honest it depends on what mood I'm in. Fiction books allow your mind to explore all these different possibilities, that could or could not come true. While, non-fiction lets you hear someone's story, that could at one point change your own view. Yes, I do agree some non-fictions can be very slow and boring. But, other ones can be up beat or very tense. If I had to choose a favorite fiction series, when I was a little girl it was Box Car children. But, now I have to say Harry Pottery and Hunger Games. They both go to a different world, that stretches the imagination. My favorite non-fiction books would have to the book we are currently reading and The Child Called "IT"

    1. I have to agree! Both genres have pros and cons but both can be very good and entertaining! I loved the Box Car Children as a kid, too!

  44. I prefer to read fictional books. This is because I like reading about things that are different from what's going on around me. It's really interesting think about all the different worlds people come up with and to let your imagination wander. I love Harry Potter books and all the dystopian novels. The genre I mostly read is realistic fiction but I'm not limited to it. Non-fiction may not be my favorite genre to read but I have found some really good non-fiction books. But in my personal experience when we are assigned a non-fiction book for school it usually takes me longer to get into it because they're so many facts rather than an actual story. Which makes it harder for me to read.

    1. I totally agree. When we have to read books in school, it takes me a really long time to understand and get into the book. Then there's a certain date that you have to be done with the book and it gets harder.

  45. Fictional reading is really my favorite, I like to read and get a feeling for different styles of books but it seems that I usually enjoy fictional books the most. I really envy and enjoy the creativity that the authors out into the fictional books. I like to see and understand what they can imagine in their minds and I give them so much credit for allowing themselves fantasize and share these stories. I also enjoy a good mystery. I like not knowing what’s going to happen next and being urged to keep reading as the story twists and turns in directions you’d never expected. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes I do enjoy a good non-fictional book too it just seems that I never get the fun story. I don’t remember the dates and order that everything has happened and can’t keep the facts straight when I feel like I’m reading a history text book. I enjoy reading a lot but I do favor fictional books.

  46. Goodness, almost everyone said fiction. I love NON-FICTION. I've become obsessed with reading memoirs. A Stolen Life was an amazing book with an amazing story. I adore reading true stories about people who have come up from nothing and have succeeded tremendously in life. If a book is good, it's good; but, when it's true, it gives it another level of greatness because it actually happened. Especially the realization your mind goes through while you're reading. I'm very right-brained but for some reason books that are so far-fetched and have super unrealistic events drive me crazy. I'm the same way with movies. I go nuts. I watch a lot of documentaries which I get the opposite of praise for because apparently they are "boring". People just pick the wrong ones.

    1. Have you ever read "The glass Castle" by Jeanette Walls? It is a memoir about her life, and how she literally grew up in broken houses and living on pennies a day. If you like those kinds of stories, I would definitely recommend you read it, if you haven't already!

  47. Even though I am not a big reader, 90% of the time I would much rather read Fiction over Non-Fiction. Being a "typical girl" I love romance novels. I find comedic books to be high up on my favorite list also. Although I do not really like Non-Fiction, I am hooked on the book we are reading now. The main thing I do not like about Non-fiction books are the constant dates. Dates confuse me, and bore me, but I love the points of the story where it is Krakauer telling his story, and emotions. I find the only Non-Fiction books I truly enjoy are the ones where there is great message to be read and heard, and the topic is something that interests me. I love the freedom fiction books have. Virtually anything can happen, and I find that exciting. Anything Magic Tree House or Box Car Children was my favorite fiction books growing up. My favorite Non-Fiction book growing up was the biography of Martha Graham, a famous dance teacher and dancer.

  48. Personally, I like fiction better. Unfortunately, I'm bored with our teen fiction nowadays because it's all about dark fantasy romance and vampires. What I like to read is adventure, mystery, or suspense stuff...especially adventure, though! When it comes to non-fiction, it all depends on the writing style. If you can keep my attention through either mystery, humor, or talented storytelling, then I'm in favor, but otherwise, fiction is more up my alley.

  49. I've always enjoyed fiction novels. It's actually funny because when I was younger, I never knew that "fiction" was the "made up" kind of books so on surveys and when teachers would ask me what my favorite books were, I'd always answer "nonfiction". This however, is most definitely not the case. I don't mind reading ITA or interesting memoirs, but the whole, "History" aspect of the non-fiction drives me insane. I really can't stand textbooks, so whenever I read it, I feel like I'm reading a textbook. And let's be honest, the truth usually isn't as juicy as an imagination. I really love fantasy fiction and mystery fiction. I usually find that most fictional novels or pieces seem very realistic, so it doesn't cross my mind much that it isn't real. Besides Harry Potter. I love Harry Potter, and reading them always depresses me, because it's not real. I love reading fiction pieces with sad endings because after I'm finished crying, I can remind myself it's not real. (Coping mechanism). ...Kidding. But yea, I like fiction. For sho.

    1. I feel the same way. Fiction novels in a sense are depressing at the end because you wish so much that it were real and it isn't.

  50. I typically like fiction books better. There is a sense of creativity and mystery that you don't find in nonfiction books. Everything is made up and there is always a chance of something unexpected. I like to be surprised and not know what is about to happen. However, some nonfiction books can be incredible. They can portray real stories that are amazing yet keep you guessing. These books are full of unbelievable things that actually happened, which is why when I find a great nonfiction book, I tend to like it more than a great fiction book.
    Meghan Leete

    1. I can relate to the feeling of appreciation for a nonfiction book that is just as interesting as a fiction because it is really interesting to imagine what the person was actually going through.

  51. I generally prefer fiction. I am usually the most engrossed in fiction books that are in a different world or have science fiction concepts. I am more of the standard Harry Potter/ Hunger Games type because they intrigue me with the author's realm of creativity. As unrealistic as these type of books are, they make me think more and get 'into' the book more because it actually takes place in a different type of world. Realistic fiction is a little less interesting because someone could have done those things and it might as well be nonfiction. Not all nonfiction books are necessarily boring, but in a lot of instances, the author thinks their story is a lot more interesting than it actually is.

    1. I agree 10000% with what you say!

  52. As for me I love fiction books. I love creating my own image in my mind of how each character looks. My favorite authors are Nicholas Spark and Christopher Paolini. I love going from a true love story to the magic and dragons of the Eragon series. I love being able to imagine my life in the very two different type of books. I don's really like reading the nonfiction books because even though it's amazing true things happened I like reading about to the things that can't happen or things that can only be imagined. Gives my the joy to read and never wanting to put a book down.

    1. I agree Em, This was a good way to look at it, and I do the same.

  53. Although I am not an avid reader I would have to agree with the majority in this one and go with fiction. fiction offers so much more to be imagine and really personally appeal to the reader of the fictional novel than non-fiction does. When reading a fictional book it allows your mind to travel to anywhere in the fictional realm you decided to enter upon picking up that fictional novel. As where as non-fiction really confines you to the restrictions of reality and historical events and statistics.

    1. I agree with nonfiction having the restriction of reality.

    2. I like the part where you stated that fiction allows your mind to travel anywhere because I believe it perfectly captures my feelings towards reading some of my favorite fiction books.

  54. To be completely honest, I detest non-fiction books. They are hard to read because of their slow developing plots. I would much rather read fiction. I love books that are somewhat realistic, but not actually true stories. I feel like it is more interesting. When people talk about real events, I feel they don't describe them as well as if it were fiction. I don't like history either, so historical fiction is off of my favorites list. Science fiction is actually another one of my book hatreds. I can't stand how unrealistic and creepy they are. I can't say I have ever even wanted to watch any of the Star Wars series either. My favorite fiction series is the Hunger Games. It is very exciting and keeps you on the edge of your seat. This may be a little horrible, but Into Thin Air really doesn't keep me excited, it makes me want to fall asleep.

    1. I agree that Into Thin Air makes me want to fall asleep, but I actually did fall asleep a few times while trying to read 1984, and have yet to do this while reading Into Thin Air.

  55. I prefer, like most on the blog page, fiction over non-fiction. Anything well-written and amazingly thought out will suffice for me, but I mostly like fantasy and sci-fi. I'm a sucker for a developed, interesting novel mythology, so when I find myself regaining hope in the minds of humanity, I know it's a good book.

    Once in a while, I'll read a romance novel or something close, but generally, the cliches are boring and the gushy, stupid lines disgust me. If romance pops in and drastically interferes with the plot, I end up throwing the book against the wall (it's a different situation when romance IS the original plot).

  56. I absolutely love reading. I don't really have a preference between fiction and nonfiction. Really, to me, it all depends on how the piece is written. I tend to get bored with some books, for example "Into Thin Air," but that isn't because it is nonfiction. I am just not a fan of the way it is written nor am i a fan of the concept. I also don't particularly care for science fiction books because of their lack for reality. However, "The HUnger Games" trilogy was an exception of that.
    I guess, for me, reading just depends on what is being read. I prefer a book that seems to flip its own pages, not a book where I have to force my self to keep going.

    1. I agree that the thrill of the book is the most important part. I really think Into Thin Air is interesting, but loved the Hunger Games also. Science fiction aren't my favorite, either.

  57. I definitely prefer fiction over non-fiction. My favorite genre to read would have to be mystery. I love the thrill of trying to figure out the book. I mostly read murder-mystery type novels. They normally are series because I like to keep up with the characters and follow along with their lives. I always like to try to figure out who the killer is. It always ends up being this small character that was mentioned in the beginning of the book, so you never think of it being them, I read so many of them, that you would think that I would have caught onto this by now. I haven't. It still gets me every time, I rarely guess who the killer is. Although, every once in a while, I will read a normal novel and they always end up being good. I like reading, when I can pick the book.

  58. I love reading books that have an exciting plot line. Books we read for school can be boring sometimes so it is hard for me to understand them. My favorite genre of book has to be fiction mystery or futuristic books. Most of them are just so interesting and fun to read! But, non-fiction book are good too. They have to be written really well though, because if it just about telling me facts then I won't even bother finishing the first chapter. I don't necessary have a favorite author but some of my favorite books are the Hunger Games series or any romantic or comedy or crime book.

  59. I really prefer reading fiction because its not restricted like nonfiction. You don't have to be constrained by the truth. Anything is possible so the writer can exaggerate details making the books a lot more fun to read. Fiction really opens a door different worlds where different creatures and magic all can exist. I have read many good nonfiction books as well, but I really dislike when there's a lot of dates and a ton of names which are easy to forget and become confused

  60. I dislike reading nonfiction beyond belief. I will pick fiction over nonfiction 100% of the time. Nonfiction is too boring for me. I don't like reading the journalistic or informative style and I just can't get interested. My favorite genre within fiction is realistic fiction, like really typical, girly, this girl has boy troubles and they end up loving each other type of books. Some of my favorite books are The Summer I Turned Pretty trilogy, The Fault In Our Stars, any book by Sarah Dessen, and I could go on and on. I love books that focus on a character about my age and that have relatable plot lines. However, I do tend to like books where I think the main character has a cooler or more interesting life than myself, otherwise, I'd be bored.

  61. For me it’s really hard to pick a favorite genre of book. With some genres, lets say science fiction for example, I find one book amazing and then the next science fiction book extremely boring. I like to read when I find a book that is interesting to me. My mood mostly determines what kind of books I read. If I am in a learning mood I will read an instruction book about sailing or cooking or something. I would have to say that my all time favorite books would be the Harry Potter series. I was just so addicted to reading them!

    1. I agree with you. I only enjoy a book if I find it interesting, and sailing books usually fall into that category.

  62. Realistic fiction is my favorite genre because I would rather read a cheesy love story than a silly story about dragons and fairies fighting each other in an enchanted forest. Nicholas Sparks might be the most cliché author, but not the most ridiculous. I really like realistic fiction because it's more relatable and believable. I don't have a very good imagination and it's hard for me to imagine really far-fetched fiction stories because they don't appeal to the things I already know. Historical nonfiction is believable and informational, but not always the most interesting. However, I would prefer historical fiction to a sci-fi/fantasy. I really prefer Into Thin Air to 1984 because the narration is from the perspective of a "real person" and not a third person perspective of a not so perfect world. I know that the author is still a normal person so that's pretty interesting but hard for me to understand. But I guess that's what is cool about different genres.

    1. I feel the same way, I think that reading about something that could actually happen is much more interesting.

  63. It's almost too tough to pick. Most of the time I could go either way. I like true adventures or action stuff, but also fake ones. I would have to go with Fiction, and then Mysteries. 'Hunger Games' and others like it are an exception because I thoroughly enjoyed reading that book! But mysteries are what get me hooked and keep me wanting to read more and more. This is probably related to me watching mystery shows all the time too. Plot twist, red herons, all of it keep me interested from page one.

  64. I prefer to read fiction. I really like reading about things in the real world, but I have Current Events with Mr. Warren for that. When I read books, I like to have an escape into some other character's mind and see how they handle the situations that are given to them and how they react to the world. Although, I do believe that Into Thin Air is an exception to my normal book standards. It tells an adventurous story of a personal account of a horrific event, and that kind of stuff interests me. I think that it’s going to be very interesting learning of the personal accounts of Jim Krakauer and how he handles being plunged through a living hell. I think that this book will be a great alternative to my beloved fiction and that is definitely something that I am looking forward to in these next weeks of reading.

  65. This is an extremely tough question--I love them both. I like to hear about things that really have happened and author's thoughts and opinions on situations and topics and I like being able to go back in time to a certain period. At the same time, I love reading about things that couldn't happen or cool stories that I wish were real. Harry Potter will always be one of my favorite fiction novels. I think about being a witch at Hogwarts a lot at school and how much more fun things would be. I want to fight wizards like Voldemort and have friends like Harry and Ron. That probably sounds weird but I mean one can always dream. To sum it up, I love both for specific reasons and can't really decide on which I like better.

    1. I couldn't help but think about Harry Potter when being asked this question as well. The series being one of my absolute favorites will always have me leaning towards the fiction side.

    2. I agree, Ellen! I wish some of the fiction I have read were real as well.

  66. It is a tough decision. I like them both too.

  67. I don’t like reading all fiction and all nonfiction, but I do like reading certain subsets of each. I usually stay away from completely made up fantasy books, but I’ll go for realistic fiction. I don’t like things that are completely made up and could never happen in a million years, but a little bit of fiction doesn’t hurt every once in a while. On the nonfiction side of things, I don’t like reading historical nonfiction, I think it’s boring. I do really enjoy Into Thin Air though, so I guess I like contemporary nonfiction. As long as the nonfiction is about something I’m interested in, like Mount Everest, then I’m likely to enjoy it. The same goes for fiction. If it’s about science and technology that doesn’t quite exist yet then I’m likely to find that interesting. But if it’s about dragons and dungeons, then I’ll pass.

  68. I personally prefer fiction books over nonfiction books. It just seems to me that a lot of stories that are products of an authors imagination are usually more interesting than things that happen in real life. But this could just be because I have read way more fiction over the years than nonfiction. Plus, reading a bunch of facts and history that's often found in nonfiction books usually doesn't interest me much and I find myself just skimming over it and not really paying attention. I grew up reading the Goosebumps books which sparked my love for horror novels at an early age but I also love books about dystopias.

    1. I agree, reading a bunch of facts and history don't really interest me either. Things that happen in real life isn't always interesting to read about.

  69. If I had to choose the one I like better between fiction and non-fiction I would have to choose fiction. I like fiction better because I like to read books like the Hunger Games, and Lord of the Rings. I like to read things that can't happen in real life because I just get more into them and I read more. When I read non-fiction I tend to not read it as often or only when I really have to.

    1. I like fiction books such as The Lord of the Rings and The Hunger Games as well. Can't find that in real life. (Not that I would want it to be)

  70. I love fiction. You can create this image in your mind on how the story will go. The possibilities are endless, because you are wondering what’s going to happen next and make up these scenarios in your mind. It’s like your own little world and you forget about everything else. With nonfiction stories, you can’t really have your own picture. My favorite genre of books would be mysteries. When I was eight I remember reading Nancy Drew books all the time and that’s what started my love for reading, especially when it’s a mystery book. When I read a good mystery I love the foreshadowing and having to figure out who is the murderer, or who is thief. Fiction books are the best enough said.

  71. I have to say, I'm not really much of a reader to begin with. When I do read, I usually enjoy fictional books over non-fiction. I think non-fictional books have great potential to be really exciting books but they usually end up disappointing me. I think the part that ruins it for me is that it actually happened. If it already happened and I don't already know about it, how exciting/interesting can it be? I'd much rather a book have me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what is going to happen next. Initially, Into Thin Air did this at the end of the first chapter, but then failed to keep me interested in the cliff hanger. In our book, in particular, it has too many dates, facts, and names. It makes me feel like I am reading an article or a History book. I've read mostly fiction so it is hard to say that I don't like non-fiction. However, if I read the same amount of each genre, then I think that I would like more of the fictional books.

    1. I totally agree about how fiction tends to be more suspenseful. Some nonfiction can be an overload of facts.

  72. I definitely prefer fiction over non-fiction. I think with fiction there are so many more possibilities of what could happen, and it's not as predictable as non-fiction stories. I feel like non-fiction books often get more boring because fiction anything can happen and it's more exciting than something that might happen in real life. It often leaves you wanting to know more about what happens.

    1. I completely agree. This describes exactly what I love about reading fiction novels.

  73. I like to read a mixture of the two genres. Fiction books are fun to read because they are usually page turners, but on the other hand, nonfiction books teach you things that you might not have known about. My biggest challenge is finding good books to read. I wouldn't consider myself a bookworm by any means. I love action packed books that have a good plot line. I enjoy reading Everest because of the suspense of climbing to the top of the world. I do enjoy reading biographies of very influential people. I have read an autobiography of both Lance Armstrong and Adree Agassi. It is very interesting to read about how famous people worked their way to the top.

  74. I, personally, prefer to read fiction novels over non-fiction. I can’t give a super specific reason why, they just appeal to me more. But, above everything else, I love mysteries! They’re my favorite kind of stories to read, whether it be a 1000 page novel, or a short story, mysteries are intriguing to me. There’s something about not knowing who, or what, causes the climax of the story that sparks my attention and keeps me wanting to read more. When I was a kid, I read stories like Nancy Drew and the Boxcar Children and that started my love of mysteries. I guess that also grew into my love of TV shows now like Law and Order and Mystery Detectives. As far as other kinds of stories I like to read, I like romances and comedic novels.

  75. I love to read fiction books because I don't believe in the quote "Fact is stranger than fiction". That's completely false. For instance, I'm independently reading "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll and it is by far the strangest thing that I have ever read. You see Mr. Sinn, I like to read to escape my everyday boring routine that I call my life. If I'm reading a non-fiction book about someone else's somewhat more exciting experience, I feel a little underwhelmed. If I'm going to hear a story I want it to be as creative as possible. And that's why I prefer fiction over non-fiction.

  76. Reading non-fiction books is way more enjoyable for me for so many different reasons. First of all, I like to be able to learn something while I'm reading a book. i don't necessarily enjoy reading a book that really has no point to it, or doesn't really have any value to me. Along with that, I kind of feel like reading fiction books is a little difficult for myself. In fiction novels, it's much easier for the author to go off on some tangent that isn't really relevant to a story, whereas in non-fiction stories, the suthor really can't go anywhere away from the main info in the story. And to be completely honest, when I read fiction books, I tend to fall asleep a lot easier than when I read non-fiction books, and I think the reason for that is there's a lack of real information keeping me interested in the book.

  77. I prefer to read fiction books over non-fiction books. I have never really enjoyed any of the books we had to read during school. However, I did like The Giver. I just find fiction more interesting. I don't read much tho, mainly because I don't like to read. That's why when I read most of the books from school I usually find myself falling asleep. I'm the person that enjoys watching the movie of it instead of reading it. I wish I did like reading tho. I would learn more and it could really help enhance my vocabulary and writings.

  78. I love non fiction. Stories that have actually happen are a lot more appealing to me than a story some one made up. I do read and watch fiction, and the fiction I like is fiction that could be real. I hate movies like Harry Potter and Thor, because I know nothing like that could ever happen. My favorite types on fiction are the history based fiction. Movies like the Patriot or Gladiator. My favorite movies or book are the non fiction. I love the book we are reading right now, into thin air. Its a story with real people, a real place and all the facts are real.

    1. I agree with your thoughts about books, but as for movies, I like fiction just as much if not more. Non-fiction movies are often too slow paced.

  79. I enjoy both fiction and non fiction novels. I find reading fiction novels entertaining because I become incited into a story that I know isn't real. Stories such as these are, The Hunger Games or Harry Potter. Sometimes after finishing a novel like these I wish they had been real. I also like reading non fiction because stories such as, Into Thin Air, intrigue me. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around stories such as these because they are so fascinating and incredible to think that they had actually happened.

  80. I like realistic fiction much more than non fiction. I have no interest reading about made up worlds full of monsters though. That being said, I have found some fiction books that I have enjoyed but I like things that could happen but not necessarily did. I like romance and some mystery books also. I really love to read and finding a good book is one of the best feelings ever.

  81. I am a very picky reader and I read books quickly. The novel has to be catchy but not overly cheesey and descriptive. I really like realistic fiction and I will admit that I like the sappy Nicholas Sparks books. It's fun to put yourself in the perspective of a character who maybe isn't having such a good time or maybe is having the time or their life. The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a prime example of an easily relatable book as well as Thirteen Reasons Why and The Fault in Our Stars. These books have become my new addiction and I believe that anyone can put themselves in one or more of the characters shoes.

  82. I personally like Non-fiction/ realistic fiction, or Si-fi type books; ones where I can relate to or let my imagination run free to create whatever I imagine from reading. It really takes me a while to really get into a book, and the first few chapters are key for me to whether I feel like getting into the book or not. It really is a challenge to get me to read something I don't like because I just cant imagine-or create the world the author has already in my head. The book really has to be creative for me to actually enjoy it and have me keep reading, almost like a suspense/mystery novel, which I also enjoy, where if I read one page I have to read the next one to see what happens that was described in the last page and so on. With a historical fiction really pulls me in because it gives me a chance to try and visualize a marvelous city like Rome, Athens, Giza. Novels where the author has created a scene or world in their head is fine, but when they keep describing it in the way they want doesn't really do it for me because I keep trying to imagine something different, because it's just what I do, and something is described completely different it ruins the image in my head. An example is listening to a song and you get that image of what the song feels like to you and you like it, the watching the music video and you see what the song was like for the artist it kinda ruins it for you.

  83. My favorite reading is non-fiction. I wouldn't say hands-down the best, but I enjoy it much more than fiction. The reason why I like it is because it is more able to relate and the plot-line isn't too far fetched. I can also learn new facts that I didn't know before and potentially put them to good use. In fiction books often the story is unrealistic in the application to the world. The ideas tend to be exaggerated and not based on actual occurrences. Their sole purpose is tailored to the enjoyment of the reader and occasionally a message. Non-fiction books can still be adventurous or romantic. They aren't all history textbooks that send you straight to sleep.

    As for the genre of a book, I enjoy most everything. It all depends on how it is written. I don't mind having to read sappy love books or gruesome war stories if they keep my attention. I prefer a book that starts out fast and stays that way.
